About Us

About Nature's Nook

Nature’s Nook constituted in March 2019 and were awarded charitable status in May 2019. We are also subscribers of The Voluntary Code of Practice for Social Enterprise in Scotland.

We will be an inclusive Woodland Learning Facility, whereby every visitor can attend and enhance spiritual, mental and physical capabilities and enable them to improve the conditions of their life. 

Environmental awareness and sustainability are at the core of the learning opportunities on offer.
The 10-acre fenced woodland, set within Pitcairn Community Woodland, Glenrothes, Fife, will house four Basecamps, a Welcome Centre and natural woodland to explore. Each Basecamp will be individually fenced for group safety and have a vast variety of resources to support free flow play. They will have a warm, indoor area which will provide toilets, small kitchen and snug. Each Basecamp is available for groups to hire with their group leaders — including concessions for charitable groups or groups from areas of deprivation. A Volunteering Management programme has also been developed to enable the local community to share and learn skills.

We are breaking down barriers in what is preventing groups from accessing the outdoors as much as they would like and ensuring it is inclusive for all. Our facilities would enable visitors to experience full day outdoor sessions, regardless of the weather/ability/social status. Additionally, one of our Basecamps has been designed around visitors with additional support needs.

Not only does the enclosed woodland allow for safe, free flow play, activity cards have been developed with an Advisory Panel of teachers, which allows teachers/practitioners/group leaders to have a more structured, focused session. These also meet the criteria of the John Muir Award, Natural Connections and Curriculum for Excellence.

The lease of the site also allows us to meet environmental goals. We are liaising with the Woodland Trust who are guiding us in the planting of 1400 native trees prior to opening.

Our vision is “Using our woodland facilities to inspire children and adults alike to uphold a rich mental and physical wellbeing”.
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